How to choose products

For the convenience of searching, all products in the catalog are divided into categories by purpose. You can select the desired categories by clicking on the "Product Catalog" button on the main page of the site.

To get a detailed description of the product, go from the list to the product page by clicking on its image or title.

All prices listed in the catalog are wholesale. The minimum order amount is 60,000 rubles.

How to place an order

Through the "shopping cart"

Add items to the cart by clicking the "Buy" button on their product cards or pages with a full description.

Next, go to the "Shopping Cart" by clicking on its icon located in the upper right corner of the page. Check the list of products, their quantity and total cost and click the "Place an order" button.

In the next step, fill in the information required for payment and delivery of the order, select a convenient delivery and payment option. If necessary, specify an additional comment on the order in the appropriate field. Please note: the email address specified at this stage will be used as a login to log in to the site in the future.

Read the terms of the return of goods, check the box, agree with them, and complete the registration with the "Place an order" button. Confirmation of receipt of the order will be sent to you by e-mail.

You can check the order status at any time in personal account.

How to register

You can register on the site before making your first order. To do this, open the personal section by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner and click on the "Register" link at the bottom of the page that opens.

To register, fill in all the main fields:

Confirm the entered data with the "Register" button.

How to pay

In Cash

By bank transfer using bank details

Payment details:

Name of the organization MEGATORG GROUP LLC
Legal address 192241, St. Petersburg, Sofiyskaya str., 54, lit. A, pom. 25N. part of the pom.№47
Postal address 192241, St. Petersburg, Sofiyskaya str., 54, lit. A, pom. 25N. part of the pom.№47
P/s 40702810855000049218
Correspondent/s 30101810500000000653
INN 7816671292
BIC 044030653
CHECKPOINT 781601001
OGRN 1187847099890

To the Sberbank card

After placing the order, our manager will write you the card number.

How to get


Pickup is carried out from our warehouse located at St. Petersburg, Sofiyskaya str., 54. Finished orders are stored in the warehouse for 7 days. After the deadline, the orders will be disbanded. You can extend the shelf life by calling 8 (800) 222-43-02 (free of charge in Russia).


We deliver orders:

Delivery is charged additionally:

The exact cost of delivery will be announced by the manager at the stage of order approval. You can also get answers to your questions about delivery by calling toll-free 8 (800) 222-43-02, ordering a callback, and asking an online consultant a question.

How to return the product

For legal entities

To return the product with it, you must provide the following documents:

The additional list of documents depends on the payment method:

When filling out the documents, specify:

You can refund the money for the product in the following ways:

Funds can also be counted towards future purchases.

For individuals

For individuals, the return of goods of proper and improper quality differs.

Of good quality

Documents for return:

Refunds are made in the same way as the payment was made.

Of poor quality

If you find a factory defect or damage that appeared during the delivery of the crated cargo, write an email to .

In the body of the letter, specify:

Each individual product must be provided with a photo that clearly shows the nature of the damage.

The application is considered within 5 working days, after which our manager will contact you to discuss further actions.

For more detailed conditions for the return of goods of proper and improper quality, see Return of the product.

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